I. Am. So. Glad. It. Is. Summer!! I wish I had summers off with my munchkin but we are making due with the weekends and the long daylight hours. She is loving the back yard and we got new patio furniture so as soon as the hubby has time to build it, I intend to spend lots of afternoons outside with her.
She is absolutely loving her baby pool. Who knew a teeny blow up pool would be so much fun! I also built her water table tonight so we will have to see how that goes over.
We spent the day at the "real" pool with my family and Bennett Grace went swimming with her Uncle Matt, Aunt Lala and Aunt Morgan. Bennett Grace floated around in her float and greeted everyone who would swim or walk by. she cracks me up with her Hey! and nonchalant wave. We ate a late lunch and by the time we got home none of us were very hungry for dinner so we had watermelon in the backyard. As you can tell, somebody loved it.
Have great week!!