Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dear Pierce (4 months)

Dear Pierce, 

Last Wednesday you turned 4 months old! You had your 4 month well check at the doctor today and buddy have you grown over the past month. This month we have noticed big changes in your development as well. 

Here is a little about what you've been up to:

-At your check up Monday, you were 14 pounds, 15 ounces (40th percentile) and 24 1/2 inches long (20th percentile) 
-you wear 0-3 and 3-6 month clothing. You wear a size 2 shoe.
-last week you moved from size 1 to size 2 diapers
-you are beginning to develop a schedule. During the week we have been waking you up at 6:30 for school and you were sleeping until 7:30 on weekends but lately you have been waking up earlier on your own. You still sleep swaddled on your back in the pack n play. You were supposed to move to your nursery last week but mommy had anxiety about it and so daddy let you stay.
-this past weekend you moved from 5 oz every 3 hours (6 feedings a day) to 5.5 oz every 3.5 hours (5 feedings a day). 
-you smile all the time. You love to be held and snuggled. You recognize faces now and you are very aware when people enter or leave a room. 
-your neck strength has really improved over the past month. You now can pull your chest off the ground when you are on your tummy. You push off with your feet very hard on tummy time. You hadn't shown any interest in rolling over until today when you rolled from your tummy to your back out of the blue!!!
-you keep your hand in your mouth and drool all day and your outfits are always wet. You still like to use a paci.
-you are such a big boy! You are almost the same size as Collier and she is almost 4 months older.
-you are the sweetest baby. You are very easy to love.
-you love to be tickled and to play patty cake. You love when mommy sings songs to you especially Alouette. You have the best laugh!
-your favorite toy is a stuffed crocodile. You also like holding on to blankets and holding people's fingers.
-a couple of weeks ago you spent the night with Gigi and it was your first night away from mommy and daddy.

We have enjoyed you so much over the past few weeks and we cannot wait to see what is in store for you this month. The holidays are right around the corner and we can't wait to spend them with you!

We love you so much bubby!

Love Mommy & Daddy