Saturday, June 2, 2012

SUYL Living Room Link Up!

Today I’m linking up with Kelly’s Korner Blog for SUYL Living Rooms! I am by no means a decorator but I thought it would be fun to check out some living rooms for a little inspiration. When we moved into our house in September of 2008 I had grand plans for the living room, but life happened as it usually does, and my plans stalled. I am one of those I’ll-know-what-I-want-when-I see-it types so sometimes it takes me a while to find what I want. I have been looking for artwork for several blank walls in my living room for YEARS. I am in process of ordering a large print of my sweet baby girl for one of the walls but I’m having a hard time narrowing it down to my favorite. I am painfully aware my furniture is too big for the room and eats up a lot of the space but I love the big furniture and it works for us!

Here are a few pictures from our space. The lighting is pretty bad because they were taken with my iphone :)

Here is a view of the room from the hallway
And here is a view from the back door
A look at the coffee table... my magazines at left, Sean's on the right... it seems we don't have the same taste in magazines. The balls of twine and grass are from Ikea and I found the platter at Kirklands home.

A few of our wedding pictures and the beautiful vase Sean bought me for Christmas a few years ago.
A view from the couch

I got a little tickled taking pictures when I was looking at all of the books on our shelves. Here is a picture of a few. We seem to have everything from art books to cook books to books on ethics, dog training and child rearing. I think we are covered.
This is my favorite spot. I could literally sleep here every night.
A view looking toward the backyard. Again the lighting is AWFUL.

The couch. I wish I had a picture with someone sitting on it so you could see how deep it is. An average sized man can sit on the couch and his feet wouldn't touch if he is sitting all the way back. I LOVE IT. I hated the pillows that came with the couches so I eventually picked up these here and there.
I love throw blankets from Crate and Barrel and Pottery Barn, I think there is at least one on every couch and a basket full as well. I made the crochet blanket in the front. It was a labor of love and is HUGE.


  1. Love your living room and am thoroughly impressed with the blanket you made. Too cute.

  2. Thanks for stopping by our blog... look at that sweet little baby!! How precious! Love your living room!! We had that same rocker--I think it's called Rock n play or something.. our little man loved it and we did too!! It came in handy... until one day I came in the room and he had flipped over, I figured we better put it up then :) I will have to save your blog and visit again!
