Monday, October 8, 2012

Life lately

Do you ever wish you could just hit a button and slow down time? My munchkin had her six month pictures yesterday and I could just cry thinking about it. We have been so blessed over the past six months, I can't even begin to wrap my head around it. My sweet cousin Elenie found out she was pregnant near the end of my pregnancy with Bennett Grace and she delivered a precious little boy, Cooper, this week. I can't believe how fast time is flying by! Slow down!!! (pictures to come of this tiny angel once he makes his Internet debut!)

Fall is in the air and we are finally starting to settle into our "new normal". Bennett Grace started adding apples to her diet a week ago and it has helped her stomach and sleep issues so much! We want to get her down to Auburn for a tailgate but are waiting for the weather to cool off a bit. Speaking of cooling off... is it going to be in the 90s all October? I remember being a kid and freezing my tush off in my Halloween costume. I think Al Gore may be standing somewhere with his "I told you so" sandwich board. Anyway, I am powering through the heatwave, perusing pinterest for inspiration and rocking all of my fave boots and eyeing more than my fair share of new ones! And by new ones I mean for me and for the tiniest resident of my household. You are not even prepared for the level of cuteness that come with Bennett Grace's new boots- plural, naturally (these and these). She has two pairs, not one because her Gigi got them for her and she can't ever buy just one of anything.

So here are a few pictures from our life lately and a preview from yesterday's shoot! Hope you enjoy :)

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