Why heeeeello there! I'm baaaaack!!
Sorry I've been MIA and I am so far behind on all of your your precious blogs but I'm having a blast getting caught up on all of your blogs as me and my munchkin leave daddy behind and head out for spring break at the beach!
I'm a little behind on my 11 month post because I've got some cuties on my computer so I need to post from there but never fear it is coming!
What have we been up to that has kept me away? CONSTRUCTION. Why is that you ask? Because our house FLOODED!!! We had a pipe freeze and sadly it flooded the house. Lucky for us we caught it before it had time to spread throughout the house but it was certainly enough time to do lots of damage. So sadly my days have been spent dealing with home owners insurance claims, getting quotes to replace damaged property and clean up and construction crews working to get us back to normal.
BGT is loving all of the attention from the workers coming in and out. She is such a flirt! She waves and smiles at each and every one of them and says heeeey!!
Ok so more to come in my planned blog posts from BGT's first Auburn trip, our spring break beach trip and her 11 month post! Spoiler alert: my chickee is... Wait for it... WALKINNNNG. Unassisted steps that is :)
Have a safe and blessed week everybody!!!
Ahh! Walking?!! So exciting! I'm a bit behind on the blog front, too! Have a post in the works, but haven't found the time to finish it! So sorry to hear about your house, but thankful things are almost back to normal!