Friday, February 13, 2015

Dear Pierce (7 months)

Dear Pierce,

SEVEN MONTHS!?!? How did this happen so fast? You are the cutest and sweetest baby. You are growing so fast, it's hard to keep up. You have had a busy month so here is a little of what you've been up to:

-you are still wearing 3-6 and 6-9 month clothes. You wear a size 3 diaper.
-you are very mobile these days. You don't crawl yet but you spin on your stomach and roll everywhere. 
-you are very curious and want to grab everything. 
-you are very good at sharing your toys with your sister. If seems like every you you play with, she wants. We are still working on sharing with her :)
-you go to school from 7:30-4:00. You take 2 naps at school. One in the morning around 9 and the other after you've had lunch around 12. When you get home, you have a small catnap for about 30 minutes.
-we saw the allergist this month and you tested negative for food allergies. You were having a severe immune allergy but we are still trying to figure out what you are reacting to. Your reaction was so bad they had to test for allergies in your thighs because it was the only place you didn't have a rash. You were such a trooper. Now you have an extended beauty routine and we go back later in the month for more testing. 
-now that you have seen the allergist, we are back on solids twice a day. You also get a sippy cup of water which you mostly just like to chew on :) you are still doing 4 bottles a day, 7.5 oz. 
-your poor sweet ears are still infected. You have been on so many medicines since before Christmas, I've lost count. I see tubes in your future :(
-you love to chatter. No real words just yet!
-you learned to clap this month and it is so cute. We say yay! And you clap. You also clap and look around when you are proud of yourself. I could eat you up!!!
-you love when we build you a castle out of blocks. We say "knock em down!" And you do and then smile and clap! :)
-you love to be held and snuggle. You are very ticklish. 
-you've gotten used to the dogs now. You like to watch them play and you don't mind when they come up to you or even when they lick you before we can stop them
-you are a drooling and chewing machine. So far no teeth.
-you love blankets. You love to be warm and snuggly and wrapped up. We can't give you a blanket in your crib yet but I imagine when you get bigger we will come in to find you wiggled down into a pile of covers. 

We love you sweet boy! 


Mommy and Daddy

Disclaimer: this post was written weeks ago but I never got a moment to post it :)

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