Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dear Pierce (5 months!)

Dear Pierce,

We can't believe you are already five months! Seriously, slow down! You are getting so big. You are still the sweetest baby. You have the sweetest little smile. We could snuggle with you forever and never get tired.

You have your first "big" cold and this week was Thanksgiving so we are a little behind on your update, but here is what you have been up to:

-you wear size two diapers and size 3-6 month clothing with a few 3 and 6 month mixed in. You just stopped wearing 0-3 month PJs about 2 weeks ago. You also wear a size two shoe.
-you have 5 feedings a day. 6 ounces per feeding.
-you normally go to sleep between 8-9 pm and wake up around 6-6:30. You used to sleep until 7:30 until the time change got you! You sleep in your crib in your room :)
-you are a very happy baby. You smile and laugh and chatter all the time. You have make a motor boat noise when you are annoyed sound or over something
-month 5 and we still have no idea what color your hair is
-you love to be tickled and to get Eskimo kisses. You also love when we pretend to nibble your toes.
-you love any toy you can put in your mouth and chew on. You love blankets and pull them up around your face. 
-you roll from tummy to back as soon as we put you down. You also learned to roll from back to tummy about a week ago and now you roll the length of the room. You can only roll to the right which annoys you.
-you are working on balance and can sit for a few seconds but then you get tired. 
-you love to laugh at your sister. She says silly things to you and you laugh so loud. 

We love you so much sweet boy! You are such a blessing every single day. This past Thursday was Thanksgiving and everyone loved seeing you and how big you've gotten! We are so excited to continue to enjoy the holiday season with you. 

We love you!

Mommy & Daddy

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