Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dear Pierce (5 months!)

Dear Pierce,

We can't believe you are already five months! Seriously, slow down! You are getting so big. You are still the sweetest baby. You have the sweetest little smile. We could snuggle with you forever and never get tired.

You have your first "big" cold and this week was Thanksgiving so we are a little behind on your update, but here is what you have been up to:

-you wear size two diapers and size 3-6 month clothing with a few 3 and 6 month mixed in. You just stopped wearing 0-3 month PJs about 2 weeks ago. You also wear a size two shoe.
-you have 5 feedings a day. 6 ounces per feeding.
-you normally go to sleep between 8-9 pm and wake up around 6-6:30. You used to sleep until 7:30 until the time change got you! You sleep in your crib in your room :)
-you are a very happy baby. You smile and laugh and chatter all the time. You have make a motor boat noise when you are annoyed sound or over something
-month 5 and we still have no idea what color your hair is
-you love to be tickled and to get Eskimo kisses. You also love when we pretend to nibble your toes.
-you love any toy you can put in your mouth and chew on. You love blankets and pull them up around your face. 
-you roll from tummy to back as soon as we put you down. You also learned to roll from back to tummy about a week ago and now you roll the length of the room. You can only roll to the right which annoys you.
-you are working on balance and can sit for a few seconds but then you get tired. 
-you love to laugh at your sister. She says silly things to you and you laugh so loud. 

We love you so much sweet boy! You are such a blessing every single day. This past Thursday was Thanksgiving and everyone loved seeing you and how big you've gotten! We are so excited to continue to enjoy the holiday season with you. 

We love you!

Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dear Pierce (4 months)

Dear Pierce, 

Last Wednesday you turned 4 months old! You had your 4 month well check at the doctor today and buddy have you grown over the past month. This month we have noticed big changes in your development as well. 

Here is a little about what you've been up to:

-At your check up Monday, you were 14 pounds, 15 ounces (40th percentile) and 24 1/2 inches long (20th percentile) 
-you wear 0-3 and 3-6 month clothing. You wear a size 2 shoe.
-last week you moved from size 1 to size 2 diapers
-you are beginning to develop a schedule. During the week we have been waking you up at 6:30 for school and you were sleeping until 7:30 on weekends but lately you have been waking up earlier on your own. You still sleep swaddled on your back in the pack n play. You were supposed to move to your nursery last week but mommy had anxiety about it and so daddy let you stay.
-this past weekend you moved from 5 oz every 3 hours (6 feedings a day) to 5.5 oz every 3.5 hours (5 feedings a day). 
-you smile all the time. You love to be held and snuggled. You recognize faces now and you are very aware when people enter or leave a room. 
-your neck strength has really improved over the past month. You now can pull your chest off the ground when you are on your tummy. You push off with your feet very hard on tummy time. You hadn't shown any interest in rolling over until today when you rolled from your tummy to your back out of the blue!!!
-you keep your hand in your mouth and drool all day and your outfits are always wet. You still like to use a paci.
-you are such a big boy! You are almost the same size as Collier and she is almost 4 months older.
-you are the sweetest baby. You are very easy to love.
-you love to be tickled and to play patty cake. You love when mommy sings songs to you especially Alouette. You have the best laugh!
-your favorite toy is a stuffed crocodile. You also like holding on to blankets and holding people's fingers.
-a couple of weeks ago you spent the night with Gigi and it was your first night away from mommy and daddy.

We have enjoyed you so much over the past few weeks and we cannot wait to see what is in store for you this month. The holidays are right around the corner and we can't wait to spend them with you!

We love you so much bubby!

Love Mommy & Daddy

Monday, September 22, 2014

Dear Pierce (3 months!)

Dear Pierce,

Happy 3 months bubby!! We are enjoying you so much these days. You are the sweetest baby. This month has been a big month for you as mommy went back to work this month when you were 12 weeks old and you started daycare! Mommy and Daddy can't wait until the weekend to spend time with you.

Here is what you've been up to this month: 

-you turned three months on Monday. On Thursday you weighed 14 pounds 3 ounces which is 50-60th percentile. 
-you are wearing 0-3 and 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers which you are filling out! You wear size 2 baby dry pampers at night.
-you are eating 6 times a day 5 oz per feeding. You go about 3 hours between feedings. You are still nursing some when mommy isn't working. 
-we still have no idea what color your hair is! Sometimes it is blond, sometime it is light brown and sometimes it is red.
-you are sleeping through the night! Usually you go to sleep around 9:30 and wake up at around 6:30 for school. 
-you still love to be swaddled.
-you moved from sleeping in your cradle in the pack n play to your rock n play for the second half of this month and this past weekend you started sleeping flat in the pack n play as we get ready to transition you to your own room! 
-you took your first trip to the beach this month at 11 weeks! You loved the pool but you didn't love the ocean. You spent most of your time snoozing in the shade in your tent. Daddy had to work and he was sad to miss the trip.
-you love warm baths
-you love to talk and babble
-you love to smile and giggle. You are very ticklish and you love Eskimo kisses :)
-you are getting better with eye contact this month as well and you just started grabbing toys over the past few days.
-you are still working on neck strength. You aren't interested in tummy time and you just lay quietly. We were a little concerned but the doctor checked you out and thinks you are just very laid back like your daddy! 
-you have very distinct cries for when you are tired, hungry, wet or need attention.
-you are like a magnet for your sister. She is always next to you or trying to give you a hug or your paci. She loves to talk to you and make you smile. 

We love you so much little one. You fill our hearts with so much happiness every single day.

Love, Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dear Pierce (2 months!)

Dear Pierce, 

On Friday you turned 2 months old! Over the past month you went from a little shrimp to a little chunk. You have the most precious little round face and rolls on your arms and legs. We can not believe how far you've come from all the weight checks in the beginning! 

-Monday the 18th was your official 2 month check up and you were 11 pounds and 14 oz (50th percentile) and 22 inches long (10th percentile)
-the day after you were 2 months old you wore your last newborn diaper. You are now wearing a size 1.
-you also are now wearing 0-3 month clothes! You can still fit in your newborn clothes but you looked more comfortable in 0-3 so we made the swap this past weekend.
-you are still sleeping in your pack n play and you usually wake once during the night with your last bottle at around 9:30. You normally wake up around 4 to eat and then go back to sleep. 
-you are still nursing and rotating expressed milk bottles. Last week you went from having 4 oz of breast milk every 2-3 hours to 4.5 oz every 3 hours. 
-you started smiling this month! You have the cutest smile and we love seeing it!
-you also have started babbling and making little noises here and there. We love hearing your tiny voice!
-you love to be held and snuggled
-you do not love to be messed with! You don't like diaper changes, clothing changes or getting your fingernails clipped. You love baths but you do not like to get out and get dried off! 
-since big sister went back to school, you spend your days with just mommy! Mommy does not want to leave you to go back to work in a couple weeks but we met your teachers at the school and know you will be taken care of.
-when you are eating you fan out your toes and it cracks us up!
-you are not a big fan of tummy time. When we try you put your hand in your mouth and fall asleep
-you have a definite spoiled cry when you want attention. We call it your pterodactyl cry.
-your sister is obsessed with you. She always wants to hold your hand, give you a paci, tickle you or talk to you. She loves you so much! She calls you her bubby and is so proud to be your big sister. 

It is amazing how much you have changed over the past month! We are still trying to figure out who you look like!! We love you so much and can't wait to watch you grow and learn. 


Mommy and Daddy

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Catching up with the Taylors

I have yet again fallen behind on the blog, surprise surprise. The reason I initially created this blog was to have a virtual record of our family as Sean and I entered into the world of parenthood. As I soon found out, working full time and maintaining a life outside of work is a challenge and every second is precious. So of course blogging has been on the back burner for quite a while. A year actually- ouch! Thankfully I've kept notes on BG over the past year and I will pull them together in her own post coming up.

In the meantime, here is a quick little run down of what we've been up to since this time last year!

   Bennett Grace started school in August. She loves it! 

BG's first day at school
Mommy got new glasses :)

We got new iPhones and Bennett Grace enjoyed trying out the Beats.

In the fall, my sister found out she was having a girl! 

There were lots of holidays
Halloween 2013 Meowwww
Thanksgiving 2013
BG's new ride from Gigi and Papa D
Be my Valentine :)
Easter 2014
Late night snuggles for Mother's Day 2014
BG and Collier on Memorial Day 2014
and reasons to celebrate...

This little turkey is going to be a big sister!
It's a BOY!!!
Collier and her mama, my sister Lauren
Mommy turned 30 (boo!) and BG turned 2 (yay!)
Happy birthday baby!
My bestie Heather's baby Caroline arrived early but healthy at 34 weeks!
we made it to the beach...

my beach baby
Happy 2nd birthday at the beach!
Our last beach trip as a family of 3
Pregnant lady vacation
and survived the Snowpocalypse!

Exploring the snow
What in the world??
Is this Alabama??
Mommy got huge...
Me + Pierce, 28 weeks 1 day left and 35 weeks 2 days right
and Pierce arrived safely!
Pierce Thomas 6 lbs 14 ounces, 19 1/4 inches

Bennett Grace got promoted to big sister

Their first meeting :)

and we fell head over heels with her little brother!

Cousin Party

And FINALLY after years of talking about it, Gigi and Papa D got their lake house.
home sweet (lake) home
Boat selfie
fall boat rides before the pumpkin patch
Huge pregnant lady trying not to sink the floating island
Summer fun!
Love this girl. She asks questions about everything!
First ride on the new waverunner
Lazy 4th of July on the dock with Caroline, Pierce and Collier

We were incredibly blessed over the past year and can not wait to see what life has in store for us as we continue to adjust to becoming a family of four!!!